Mohammad Tufail oversees the quality of our work, bringing a record of leading large defense, civil and water resources construction programs.
Robert Heath leads our engineering practice, and is experienced in the design of complex civil and water infrastructure projects.
By putting the needs and objectives of our clients above all else, delivering premier client service becomes a reflex. This focus is reflected in the long-standing relationships between our staff and our core clients, and in the diverse range of clients GreenPoint supports.
The most effective tool to mitigate schedule and budget constraints is a deep knowledge of the subject matter. The ability to recognize and mitigate risks, as well as opportunities to add value, only comes from specialized experience and technical proficiency. Recognizing this, we make the assignment of tailored resouces the priority of our planning and delivery.
Effective communication is often the difference maker in achieving successful project outcomes. To address the common pitfalls that result from miscommunication, accessibility and partnering are a prominent feature of our project management approach.
GreenPoint Engineering
+1 (504) 708-2020
Kristin Bohling is a project administrator specializing in the administration of federally-funded public works programs.
Kristen LaBrosse manages environmental planning and design projects as well as our USACE programs.
Kyleigh Ardoin manages environmental and civil infrastructure projects for our state and local government clients.
GreenPoint Engineering is a certified small business and DBE.